
Get to know me

🎓 As a student of Informatics at Telkom University, I have acquired a solid foundation in programming and software development that I continue to build upon with my professional experience. I'm passionate about learning and applying new concepts to develop innovative solutions.

🛠️ My name is Rama and I'm a Fullstack developer with hands-on experience in working with a wide range of technologies such as ReactTailwindCSSNextJS, and Figma. Additionally, I possess expertise in game and AR development utilizing Unity. I enjoy fusing together my design and development skills to create products that are both visually appealing and user-friendly. I approach every project with meticulous attention to detail, an organized mindset, and a strong drive to explore new technologies and conceive creative ways to utilize them.


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Frontend Mentor

Chevalier Lab

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Nov 2022 - Present

  • Responsible for trained and mentored a group of 25 individuals in basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React JS.
  • Fostered a positive and inclusive learning environment, promoting collaboration, teamwork, and mutual respect among students from diverse backgrounds and skill levels.
  • Collaborated with other mentors and instructors to develop a comprehensive and cohesive learning program
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Asisstant Lecture

Telkom University

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Oct 2022 - Jan 2023

  • Helping lecturer in delivering course content related to programming and algorithms using the Java programming language
  • Aims to help students equip the knowledge to write efficient, reusable, and maintainable code
  • Teaching Version Control System (VCS) with Git and GitHub. Helped students understand the basics of VCS, including creating and managing repositories
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August 2022 - Present

  • Providing UI design services to clients. Creating visually appealing and user-friendly
  • Another service that I offer is website development using the MERN stack. This involves using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js to create high-performance web applications that are responsive and scalable.
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GitHub Contributor


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Jan 2022 - Present

  • Collaborating with other project contributors to develop and improve open source software
  • Contributing code to various projects on GitHub, including bug fixes, feature enhancements, and documentation updates


my sql


  • Web
  • UI Design

Reddo : Gamify Reading Tracker

Reddo is a reading tracking website with a gamify concept equipped with Pomodoro Timer feature, leaderboard, and sharing community. Reddo is my project application and has been participated in Gemastik XV.

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  • Android
  • UI Design

FitTrack : Tracking Minum dan Tidur

FitTrack is a mobile application where you can track your water intake and sleep duration. Not only that, with FitTrack you can monitor both and have a user-friendly display!

  • UI Design

anatomeAR : Learn Anatomy!

anatomeAR is a mobile application that helps users to learn human anatomy through augmented reality. Users can point their smartphone camera at a human body and the app will display relevant information, such as the names of bones and muscles. The app also includes quizzes and interactive features to make learning more engaging.

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  • UI Design


AnyBuy is an innovative mobile application that lets users purchase goods by scanning them with their mobile devices. AnyBuy design has been copied on the figma community more than 300 times!

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  • Web

Rama Portofolio

My web portfolio is a cool and modern website built with NextJS, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, Framer Motion, and Vanta JS. It showcases my skills and experience through various projects, including web development and UI design. With a responsive design and smooth animations, visitors can easily navigate and explore my work. The Vanta JS background adds a unique touch and enhances the overall aesthetic of the site.

  • Web

Netflix Landing Page Clone

This project is a Netflix landing page clone that was built using NextJS and MaterialUI. It falls under the category of web development and serves as a showcase of web development skills. The clone closely mimics the layout and design of the original Netflix landing page, providing an opportunity to practice creating complex user interfaces.

  • Web


MetaVersus is a web project that features a landing page built using ReactJS, inspired by the tutorials from Javascript Mastery on Youtube. The goal of this project is to showcase a modern and stylish landing page that utilizes the latest web development technologies. With its clean design and smooth user experience, MetaVersus is a great example of how ReactJS can be used to create beautiful and functional websites.

  • Web

ChevaLab portofolio Gallery

is a web project I developed to showcase the members of the Chevalier Lab Web Development. The project serves as a platform for the members to display their portfolios and skills. It is built using modern web technologies such as NextJS and TailwindCSS, ensuring high performance and scalability.

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Bandung, Indonesia